SCHLOTHAUER & WAUER Ingenieurgesellschaft für Straßenverkehr

We do the analysis, simulation and planning – you evaluate and decide.

We have been planning traffic controls and providing consulting in traffic planning, traffic technology and traffic management since 1991. We now have a 60-strong team of traffic engineers and developers at five locations in Germany.

We specialize in developing intelligent traffic-adaptive corridor and network controls that optimize traffic flow for the city as a whole.

Traffic-Engineering Services

Traffic surveys of all kinds form the basis for efficient traffic planning and traffic technology designs. While license plate identification methods as well as questionnaires are relevant for determination of source, destination and through traffic, traffic counts are primarily beneficial for the dimensioning and control of intersections.

To date, we have performed traffic counts at approximately 1,000 intersections in Germany.

We conduct our traffic surveys using the latest video systems. In addition to the collection of traffic volumes and vehicle types thus individual traffic behavior such as speeding, overtaking or changing lanes can be evalu­ated. Analysis of accident black spots, congestion assess­ments and subsequent reviews of the count results are available at any time. The results of the traffic counts are depicted in various graphs and tables. Average values are determined and can be used directly for dimen­sioning intersections in our planning system LISA+.

Preliminary evaluations, studies, concepts and analyses form the basis of information for decision-makers. They allow the evaluation of urban design plans as well as traffic planning and organisation projects and make it possible to justify investments for the improvement of infrastructure.

We produce studies, concepts and analyses for traffic construction and traffic organisation projects.

Our broad range of experience includes studies on optimisation of "green waves", studies on the feasibility of traffic policy projects (traffic lane reduction in favour of bus lanes and tram tracks), analysis of the possibilities of superordinate network controls, design recommendations for roundabouts and associated performance verifications, studies on the design of inner-city traffic spaces, investigations into the consequences of speed limits on autobahns and the introduction of a toll on federal highways – whatever you are planning, we can provide you with an informative basis on which to make your decisions.

In complex traffic construction projects and traffic control systems, analytical evaluation methods often fall short and only to a limited extent allow a realistic evaluation of relationships and a clear presentation of the analysis and planning results. For this reason, the simulation of projects and the evaluation of these simulations has gained in importance over the years.

We have implemented numerous simulations in recent years. The spectrum of this work spans the simulation of complicated single intersections, complex construction projects, bus stations, roundabouts in quick succession and network controls.

State-of-the-art, intelligent traffic management systems are increasingly needed to organize traffic more efficiently and operate signal technology more economically. The primary tasks of these systems are to monitor the functionality of the technical equipment on the streets, to analyze the quality of the traffic control, to enable changes to be made to the local control intelligence quickly and, through the integration of intelligent, adaptive control algorithms, to intervene effectively in the network control.

Our services include the design of traffic management systems, creation of tender documents, construction oversight and user support. We have worked on projects in the cities of Dresden, Augsburg, Cottbus and Dessau and on federal highways in Saxony-Anhalt.

As a rule, local, traffic-actuated controls react to traffic demand in their immediate vicinity. Their rigid switching between defined programs in accordance with a time switch does not guarantee that the optimal programs or control parameters are activated in the controller in response to real traffic conditions. With an intelligent, adaptive control, on the other hand, it is possible to analyze prevailing traffic conditions in a corridor or a network.

Depending on these conditions, optimal parameters are set for local controllers that allow modification of the

local controller's green time parameters, switching to more efficient programs, modification of coordination's offset conditions or rerouting of traffic using variable message sign (VMS) systems.

We have implemented numerous different intelligent, adaptive controls. To achieve a maximum of flexibility and safety in macroscopic controls, we have developed the system INES+. The first controls that were implemented with this system are currently in use in Hamburg, Augsburg and Heidelberg.

Signage has a variety of purposes in road traffic. For one, it should enable road users unfamiliar with the area to get to their destination quickly and easily. It is also an important tool in reducing congestion in urban areas.

The experience of our specialized traffic planners has been brought to bear in numerous signage-planning projects. The results were clear, understandable and well thought through signage systems. We not only develop the concepts but also oversee their implementation.

Signalized intersections are an essential instrument of road traffic control. Planning them and supplying controllers with data are among the most important tasks of traffic engineering.

Supplying controllers with intelligent, efficient control algorithms is one of the particular strengths of our company, thanks among other things to our having developed special software packages tailored to this purpose. These programs are used in cities, engineering offices and universities around the world.

Within the last few years, we have worked with a variety of clients throughout Germany on approximately 1,500 signal control projects. Among our most challenging projects was the coordination of intersections in corridors with public transport priority, a plan for optimizing switching when changing control programs, and controls with integrated railroad crossings. Control logic functionality is typically simulated and tested on our test site so that errors during actual operation are largely avoided.

PGI Systems, Parking Management Strategies and Parking Facilities

Parking issues are becoming more and more important in cities and urban areas. Modern parking guidance and information (PGI) systems, a keystone of traffic management systems serving multiple transit modes, optimize the finding of parking spaces and, in addition, provide valuable information for road users.

Our branch office in Tübingen, in particular, has extensive experience and expertise in parking issues. For over twenty years, we have been working on a variety of projects that cover the whole spectrum of parking technologies and strategies. Our services span all the planning stages – from the initial concept through to installation oversight and start-up.

The complexity of modern road traffic becomes particular evident when traffic flow is threatened by construction work. Strategic traffic control plays an important role in reducing construction-related congestion and accidents.

In the last five years, we have created, written tender documents for and overseen implementation of temporary traffic control plans for approximately 50 projects involving extensive construction work. In addition to planning roadblocks, signage and road markings, our services naturally also include signaling road conditions. Our clients include the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (Berlin waterworks), the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (Berlin's main public transport operator), the Deutsche Bahn and numerous state agencies.

Investigation of accidents occurring at intersections and on the open road is an important traffic-planning instrument for identifying both deficiencies in traffic infrastructure and especially dangerous behavior on the part of road users. The information thus gained helps to eliminate existing high accident locations as well prevent new ones from being created in the course of planning or redesigning intersections and road sections, both in urban and non-urban areas.

Using police accident statistics and following general guidelines on accident analysis and evaluation, we conduct studies on opens roads and intersections, for individual groups of road users, for clearly defined system types and for certain combinations of traffic procedures and climatic / meteorological conditions. The results of these studies not only benefit the systems, areas or target groups that were the subjects of the study, but also serve as a general basis for future traffic planning and as a guideline for government agencies.